Can You Kick in Boxing? Let’s Explore the Rule

In the world of combat sports, boxing stands as a timeless art of controlled aggression. Defined by precise punches and strategic footwork, boxing adheres to a set of rules that prohibit the use of any techniques beyond punches. But can you kick in boxing?

A Short History: Kicking in Boxing

Originated from ancient Greece, boxing was quite different from what we know today. It was a mix of various fighting techniques, including punching, kicking, grappling, sticking, wrestling, and throws. The Greeks shared this style with the Romans, and over time, it spread all around the world.

However, a big problem was the high rate of injuries. Because of this, boxing got separated into two parts: punching and grappling. New rules were introduced to make sure fighters were safer.

Kicking in the old day of boxing

As time went on, modern boxing emerged as a sport suitable for gentlemen. This meant some rules became important, like using straight punches and hitting with the front of the fist. Fighters were also required to aim their punches above the belt. Kicking and grappling were no longer allowed.

This happened around the 18th century, and it shaped the way boxing is practiced now.

Can You Use Kicks in Boxing?

In modern boxing, kicking like you might see in martial arts movies is not allowed. Like how the history have been laid out above, boxers are only allowed to use their fists to throw punches. The focus is on using your hands quickly and skillfully to hit your opponent and score points. Kicking is not a part of the standard techniques in boxing.

Kicking is not allowed in modern day boxing

Pros and Cons of Kicking in Boxing

Kicking’s Pros

If kicking were allowed, it could bring surprises into the ring. Since boxers are not used to dealing with kicks, an unexpected kick could catch an opponent off guard. Kicks also allow for hitting from a longer distance, creating confusion and providing opportunities to land hits.

Kicking in boxing may bring a lot of mayhem back if allowed

Kicking’s Cons

Introducing kicks could cause some problems. Kicking changes a boxer’s stance and balance, which might lead to getting off-balance and vulnerable to counterattacks. Also, using kicks could lead to breaking the rules and penalties. Moreover, mastering both punches and kicks would demand a lot more training and effort.

Different Kinds of Kicks in Boxing

Although traditional boxing doesn’t usually involve kicking, there are actually a few specific types of kicks that are permitted within its rules. These kicks are known as front kicks, side kicks, and oblique kicks.

To make these kicks work well in a boxing match, they have to be done with great accuracy and perfect timing. Getting the timing and aim just right is crucial for these kicks to be successful in the boxing ring.

Can you feint a kick in boxing?

Sometimes, pretending to kick can be a clever way to trick opponents. This is called feinting. By pretending to kick and then surprising with a punch, a boxer can confuse their opponent and create openings for a successful hit. This strategy brings the idea of kicking into play without actually using a kick.

Boxing vs. Kickboxing: What’s the Difference?

Kickboxing is a completely separate sport from regular boxing.

In kickboxing, fighters get to use both their fists and their legs to both attack and defend themselves. It’s kind of a blend between boxing and martial arts, taking the best from both worlds.

Kicking is not allowed in modern day boxing, but is a good weapon in kickboxing, like the name suggest

When it comes to old-school boxing, things are a bit different. In traditional boxing, only punches are allowed. The whole game revolves around using various kinds of punches to come out on top in the match.


The world of sports is always changing, and boxing might change too. People talk about the possibility of allowing some kicks in boxing in the future. But as of now, boxing remains a sport where punches are the main form of attack. Who knows what exciting changes the future might bring?

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