How to Clean Your Boxing Gloves: A Full Guide to Hygiene and Longevity

Maintaining cleanliness always is a top priority, even in the world of boxing. One essential aspect is your boxing gloves. Neglecting this crucial task can lead to foul odors, the accumulation of harmful bacteria, even a shortened lifespan for your gloves. In this guide, we’ll explore the importance of cleaning boxing gloves and provide various “how to clean boxing gloves” methods to keep they stay fresh and safe.

Though for some methods, you should remember to check if it is safe for your gloves’ material before apply.

1st. How to clean boxing gloves using Soap mixture

Step 1: Remove the padding

Begin by opening the Velcro straps and gently pulling the gloves apart to allow air circulation. This prevents moisture from being trapped within the gloves, reducing the risk of bacterial growth.

Step 2: Wash the outer shell

Create a mixture of mild soap and water. Using a soft cloth, dampen it with the solution and gently wipe down the exterior of the gloves. Avoid excessive moisture as it can damage the leather or synthetic material.

Step 3: Wash the padding

For gloves with removable padding, take out the inserts as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Wipe them down with a slightly damp cloth, using the soap-water mixture. Ensure they are thoroughly dry before reinserting them.

Step 4: Air-dry the gloves

After cleaning, hang the gloves in a well-ventilated area, preferably outdoors. Avoid direct sunlight as it can cause material deterioration. Allow the gloves to air-dry completely before storing them.

Using soap mixture to clean boxing gloves is the easiest way

2nd. How to refresh boxing gloves using Anti-bacterial spray

Step 1: Unlace or unwrap

Begin by undoing the laces or unwrapping any straps on your gloves.

Step 2: Spray the gloves

Grab a good anti-bacterial spray and generously apply it to your gloves. This spray will swiftly eliminate germs and bacteria causing the unpleasant smell.

Step 3: Let them dry

Find a well-ventilated space and put your gloves there. Allow them to air-dry naturally. This step ensures your gloves are fresh and ready to use again.

Refresh your boxing gloves quickly using Anti-bacterial spray

3rd. Clean boxing gloves with Saltwater soak method

Step 1: Prepare saline solution

Get a large empty container and fill it with water. After that, you add about 2 table spoons of saltwater to it. This mixture will work wonders to eliminate bacteria and remove odors.

Step 2: Dip your gloves

Put your gloves into the solution. Let them soak in the saltwater, allowing it to do its magic.

Step 3: Overnight soak

Leave the gloves in the container overnight. This gives enough time for the solution to break down bacteria and dissolve the odors.

Step 4: Morning ventilation

The next morning, take out the gloves from the saline solution. Place them in a well-ventilated area to dry. This step ensures your gloves are completely dry and ready for action.

4th. Easy steps to freshen gloves by Freezing

Step 1: Prep gloves

Start by placing your boxing gloves into a plastic bag. This step will protect them during freezing.

Step 2: Into the freezer

Put the bagged gloves into your freezer. Leave them there overnight. This may sound unusual, but it’s a powerful way to eliminate bacteria and bad smells.

Step 3: Morning unveil

When morning comes, take the gloves out of the freezer. They might feel cold and stiff, but don’t worry, we’re not done yet!

Step 4: Air-dry zone

Find a dry and well-ventilated spot and put your gloves there. Let them air-dry naturally. This helps to remove any remaining moisture.

Extra stinky? Freeze again

If your gloves are super smelly, you can repeat the freezing process for two nights instead of one. This gives them an extra boost of freshness.

5th. Keep your gloves fresh with the Stuffing method

Step 1: Choose your fill

Start by deciding what you’ll use to stuff your gloves. Fighters have a few options: newspapers, paper towels, a bar of soap, or even specialized glove dogs filled with cedar chips. These materials help your gloves breathe and prevent bacterial growth.

Step 2: Stuff them in

Gently stuff your chosen material into each glove. Make sure not to overstuff, allowing for proper air circulation.

Step 3: Optional dryer sheets

Some boxers add dryer sheets for a fresher scent. While they don’t dry your gloves, they can help mask odors. You can use this method along with others for better results.

Step 4: Give them air

Let your stuffed gloves sit in a well-ventilated area. This allows the materials to work their magic in absorbing moisture and preventing bacteria.

6th. How to clean boxing gloves using Apple cider vinegar

Step 1: Get ready

Apple cider vinegar is a real all-rounder, and it’s fantastic for cleaning and deodorizing your boxing gloves. Begin by pouring about one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into your hand or onto a clean towel.

Step 2: Thorough rubdown

Rub the vinegar all over the inside of your gloves. Be sure to cover every inch, as this is where the magic happens.

Step 3: Overnight break

Now, let your gloves dry out overnight. Find a spot with good airflow, like near an open window or under a fan.

Step 4: Smell the difference

When you wake up, give your gloves a whiff. Chances are, they’ll be smelling way better. If there’s still a hint of funk, don’t sweat it—just repeat the process.

Apple cider vinegar can help deodorize your gloves too

7th. How to clean boxing gloves using Baking Soda

Step 1: Grab some baking soda

Baking soda is like a superhero against bad smells. Get a pinch of baking soda – you don’t need much.

Step 2: Sprinkle away

Sprinkle the baking soda into each glove. It’s like magic powder that fights odors.

Step 3: Waiting game

Let the baking soda do its job. Leave your gloves alone with the baking soda inside for a few hours.

Step 4: Shake it off

After a while, hold your gloves upside down and give them a good shake to get rid of the baking soda.

Step 5: Let them dry

To finish up, let your gloves dry out. Find a spot with good airflow, like near a window or a fan. This helps any lingering odors escape and leaves your gloves smelling much better.

Baking Soda – The king of cleaning

Why is it important to clean boxing gloves?

Boxing gloves can become a breeding ground for bacteria due to the sweat and moisture they trap during workouts. This create a perfect environment for bacteria to thrive in moist conditions.

To make things worse, many people just toss their sweaty gloves into a bag after using them, giving bacteria a cozy spot to grow and make things smell even worse. What a horror story. Neglecting their cleaning like that can lead to bad odors and even skin infections. Cleaning them regularly not only keeps them germ-free, which is good for your over all health, but also makes the gloves them self last longer.

How often should you clean your boxing gloves?

Ideally, you should clean your boxing gloves after every training session, just like how you do with your cloth. If that’s not feasible, aim for at least twice a week. Regular cleaning prevents bacteria buildup and maintains a fresh smell.

Preventive care tips to keep your boxing gloves clean and fresh

Prevention is always better than dealing with the aftermath. So take measures to stop bacteria and germs from invading your boxing gloves.

Make sure they dry out completely

It’s crucial to let your gloves dry thoroughly after each use since germs love moisture for survival and bacteria thrive in damp conditions. Skipping the drying step can lead to foul odors in your gloves.

Hang them up in a well-ventilated spot

Opt for good air circulation to aid the drying process. If the weather is sunny, letting them air-dry outside is an option, just be wary of rain.

Give them a wipe-down

An effective way to prevent strong odors is to wipe your gloves inside and out with a clean towel right after using them. This reduces the moisture content, creating an unfavorable environment for bacteria growth.

Avoid stuffing them in your bag

We can’t stress this enough: never toss your gloves straight into your bag after a session. Instead, place them in a plastic bag temporarily, then once you’re home, let them air-dry before stashing them back in your bag.

Embrace hand wraps

Combat moisture by using hand wraps. They’ll act as a moisture barrier inside your gloves, soaking up sweat. Remember, though, you’ll need to wash your hand wraps regularly to keep them from smelling.

Clean your hands

It might sound basic, but it’s a crucial preventive step. Always wash and completely dry your hands before putting on your gloves. Hands carry loads of bacteria, and without washing, this can transfer into your gloves, leading to unwanted growth due to sweat.

Bonus tip

Having a travel-sized hand sanitizer is a smart move. Use it before putting on your gloves to maintain clean hands and prevent potential odors from emerging in the first place.

Training hard, have fun, but don’t forget the cleanliness


Can you wash boxing gloves in the washing machine?

It’s not recommended. The agitation and moisture from a washing machine can damage the gloves’ structure and padding.

How to prevent boxing gloves from smelling?

Regular cleaning, using odor absorbers, and proper storage in well-lit areas can prevent foul odors. Also allowing them to air-dry properly after each use are key.

How to clean inside of boxing gloves?

Wiping down the interior with a cloth dampened with a mild soap-water solution can help clean the inside.

How to dry boxing gloves?

Hang them in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight, and allow them to air-dry completely before storing.

How to deodorize boxing gloves?

Odor absorbers, such as cedar inserts or pouches, can help eliminate odors. Additionally, proper cleaning and storage can prevent unpleasant smells.


Maintaining the cleanliness of your boxing gloves is an essential aspect of responsible training. By following the steps outlined above and incorporating these simple tips into your routine, you can ensure your gloves remain odor-free, hygienic, and durable throughout your boxing journey.

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